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Xbox Live and Xfire team up for an extreme giveaway
Big prizes -- I love it.

by | October 7, 2004

Microsoft has announced its latest promotion offering Xbox Live and Xfire users the opportunity to take home some cool prizes. Randomly selected winners can receive a grandiose package that includes a an Xbox game console, one free year of the Xbox Live service, a library of Live-enabled games, a set of Spherex 5.1 surround sound speakers, an Xbox networking wireless G-adapter and a custom Plantronics Halo 2 headset. To further sweeten the deal, Xbox Live and Xfire members can also register for a chance to receive a free Compaq high-performance PC, complete with a 17” flat-screen monitor. Somehow, we predict most gamers will skip over the second promotion and focus exclusively on the bigger package offered by Microsoft. Members must be at least 17 years of age to enter. To register for the Xbox Live promotion, click here and/or to register for the Xfire Compaq X gaming PC.

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