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Logictech to release cordless headset
Salvation arrives this Fall in the form of a wireless solution.

by | October 14, 2004

Xbox Live users will finally be able to enjoy the cordless freedom communicating with their friends and rivals, thanks to Logictech. Today, the company announced Logictech Cordless Headset, offering playing the first-ever cordless solution for online game play.

The headset is lightweight and sits comfortably over the ear for use for hours of extreme game play so gamers can communicate with teammates and adversaries all over the world in real time, without being tied to their system. Using 2.4 GHz technology, the headest offers players clear audio transmission without interference or delays so no team member is left behind. And, the headset offers the high-quality audio that gamers have come to expect from Logitech.

This announcement ultimately be the salvation for many gamers who’ve either experienced inadequate headsets known for poor noise filtering or inadvertently snapping in two (see: Xbox Live Communicator). As an added bonus, the Logictech Cordless Headset will offer two months of free Xbox Live service. Look for it to arrive in specialty retail stores this fall for $79.99

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