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Fable becomes fastest selling title in Europe
Fable scores amongst Euro gamers.

by | October 14, 2004

Microsoft proudly passed on word that Fable has established itself as the fastest selling Xbox title in Europe, according to independent research groups Chart-Track and GfK. It helped make the weekend of 9th and 10th October the biggest Xbox launch weekend ever in Europe, showing that both casual and committed gamers are drooling over the fantastic gaming experiences that Xbox has to offer.

Since its release, Fable has made an exceptionally strong debut across Europe when it was released in most markets last Friday. For example, Fable sold through more than 30,000 units[1] in the UK, taking number two in the all-formats chart and number one in the all-time first week sales ranking for Xbox. Fable also performed strongly in France, where more than 18,000[2] units were sold through.

“We’re very excited that so many gamers are experiencing the world of Albion in Fable,” said Michel Cassius, Senior Director, Xbox Platform and Marketing. “The success of Fable is a tribute to the vision of Peter Molyneux and Lionhead and to the fantastic open-ended and accessible gameplay experience that Fable offers. The choices the gamer makes during the course of the adventure creates a completely different experience each time the game is played, offering outstanding replay value and widening the appeal while satisfying the core gamer audience. This title is a great example of how the Xbox portfolio is broadening, encompassing titles for the committed gamer as well as more casual gamers.”

Alex Croft, Buying Director at GAME said Fable was the best performing first-week Xbox title that we have sold to customers since the console launched. Feedback before and after the launch from staff and customers has been very positive, and we're confident that Fable will continue to sell well."

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