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Planetside: Aftershock ships to retail
Sony Online Entertainment unleashes the defintive collection, all for under $20.

by | October 19, 2004

Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) announced today that it has shipped Planetside, the definitive collection for MMO fans. Featuring PlanetSide (the original game that defined the massively-multiplayer online action genre), the PlanetSide: Core Combat expansion pack, and the new BattleFrame Robotics (BFRs) action pack, PlanetSide: Aftershock is the ultimate adrenaline rush for any online action enthusiast.

In PlanetSide: Aftershock, players choose their allegiance and enlist in the army of their choice as three unique empires fight for total domination. As battles are fought and experience gained, characters can choose to advance in more than 30 combat specialties, including infantry, sniper, stealth commando, engineer, hacker, medic, pilot, driver and more. New BattleFrame Robotics put players in control of giant mechanized robots, powerful vehicles for conquering your enemies on the battlefield. With massive online battles and up to thousands of people from around the world in the game, PlanetSide: Aftershock delivers a unique online action gaming experience in a hostile futuristic world.

PlanetSide: Aftershock carries a monthly subscription fee of $12.99 for continuing access to the game world. Players can subscribe using a credit card, or purchase SOE 30-day and 90-day Game Cards, which open the PlanetSide universe to those who choose not to use a credit card.

The BFR action pack is now available as a download at no additional cost to those who already own PlanetSide: Core Combat, and will automatically patch to PCs with the Core Combat expansion enabled when players log into the game.

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