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Top 20 JPN Weekly Software Sales (10/4/04 to 10/10/04)
A look at the latest the Rising Sun's top-selling titles.

by | October 20, 2004

Hot on the heels of the latest ELSPA UK report, the following highlights the top selling games in Japan, courtesy of Media Create covering the weekly sales from October 4 through October 10, 2004.

1. Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Never Ending Tomorrow - PS2
2. Fire Emblem: Seima no Kouseki - GBA
3. Berserk: Millennium Falcon (incl. Limited Edition) - PS2
4. NARUTO: Narutimate Hero 2 - PS2
5. Pokemon Emerald - PS2
6 Tales of Symphonia - PS2
7. Space Battleship Yamato: Remembrance to Iskandar (incl. Limited Edition) - PS2
8. Samurai Warriors: Mosho Den (incl. Limited Edition) - PS2
9. Famicom Mini: Super Mario Bros. 2 - GBA
10. Pachinko Slot! Fist of the North Star (incl. Limited Edition) - PS2
11. Moon is East and Sun is West - PS2
12. Final Approach (incl. Limited Edition) - PS2
13. Kengo 3 - PS2
14. Fullmetal Alchemist: Demon of the Red Elixir (incl. Limited Edition) - PS2
15. Formula One 2004 - PS2
16. World Soccer Winning Eleven 8 - PS2
17. Star Wars: Battlefront - PS2
19. Legendary Stafy 3 - PS2
20. Sergeant Keroro: Meromero Battle Royal - PS2

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